Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Reformation Wasn't Just Religious

I survived my second AP Euro History test, though with what score I have no idea. Let us hope it is not as undesirable as the first. 

As Libbie has pointed out, the government has shut down. (Fun times.) Not exactly what I would consider good news, especially since this does not mean that Congress will actually accomplish anything. (That would be a miracle.)

However, I think its important we all remember what's really important.

After the Reformation, both doctors and the Church discouraged women from using wet nurses, mostly due to the fact this practice is very unhealthy for the child. 

Because this is definitely something relevant to the Reformation, as opposed to something random that's just filling my textbook's pages. (If it ever comes up as a Jeopardy question, I'll be ready.) 

In the meantime, since I am very busy and should not probably be blogging right now, have a picture of   Ulrich Zwingli, because of all the Reformers, he had the coolest name.