Thursday, February 27, 2014

Study Hall and the Abyss

So I'm in study hall right now. Super interesting. I was using this computer to try to get notes because I was sick the past few days :( , but the universe really does not want me learn more about Kelvins (this is a unit of measurement, not some great army of men named Kelvin). But I have this computer, and I figured, why do something productive when you can waste 52 minutes. Neither Jessica or I have been on this blog (I hate saying that word, so I probably will never say it again-I feel dirty when I say it) in a long time, and every day in our AP European History class, I end up saying something that comes across as outlandishly stupid, and she says "This is why we have to go on the _____  [wasn't joking when I said I wasn't going to say it] more often".

My study hall is in my freshman English teacher's room. I am quite pleased that I do not have study hall in the "big study hall room", room 237, also revered by the students as the "room where dreams go to die". As opposed to most of the rooms fitting 30 people closely packed, this room is double the size, with double the students, and a random teacher with a free period. I have never had a study hall in that room, and, so help me God, if I ever have one there, I will change my schedule (you probably thought I was going to be melodramatic and say something sounding as though it were from the likes of Jeffrey Dahmer).

There is nothing going on in this room. Everyone is trying to secretly use their phone (I see you). I have math next hour and I do NOT want to go to math. I've been gone the last few days, and I will be more lost than a trust fund kid in the ghetto.

I don't know if you, a rather observant fellow, has noticed that the length of the paragraphs have shortened as my apathy has grown. But it's a true story.

I heard someone say (on the internet ;) ) "He's cheaper than a half priced hooker behind the dollar store on Black Friday". This phrase brought me immense joy.

By this point, the school district is probably getting ready to severely punish my computer use because I have used language unbecoming of a proper student (I said hooker, and Jeffrey Dahmer and I had to look up how to spell that so my googleing is corrupted). Whatevesies (sound it out you intellectual swine).

Why is internet underlined as not being a word, but selfie is okay? These are the questions that will haunt a generation (like: why do I like learning when it is put to a catchy tune and crapy video).

I was trying to put in a picture of a cute cat to brighten your day, but I do not want to save a picture of a cat and then have the school ask me why there is a cat picture on my computer. So, instead I shall leave you with a parenthesis and a colon (not that type of colon because that would definitely not brighten your day unless you're into that sort of thing . . .) wait for it

wait for it

one second now


Doesn't that make you feel better?

"When you look into an abyss, the abyss looks into you." -Friedrich Nietzsche*

now how do you feel

*shout out to the fellow haters of this guy

I have nothing left to say. Have a nice day (or year), or if your a moody German philosopher (all the German philosophers) I hope you fall into the abyss.
