Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Part 8

Author's Note- Naughty Libbie! I expect some very good, interesting excuses indeed! I suppose I can write a little.

After managing to get to the local airport that I was shocked was still open, James and I sat down in our terminal. We had an hour wait, and so wait we would.
Three minutes into our wait, James spoke up.
"This is terribly boring."
"We've been sitting here for three minutes," I said.
"And they've been the three most boring minutes of my life!" He protested.
"Then take a nap or something," I told him, not in the mood for pointless banter that would accomplish nothing.
He shrugged. "Okay." Settling back into his chair, he closed his eyes and soon I started to hear soft snuffles.
He would be out for a while now.
It didn't take me much longer to recognize why James was so bored. This had to be the most monotonous place I had ever been! Everything was either white or a rather unfashionable shade of navy blue. Every minute or so, the near silence was interrupted by the intercom droning on about checking luggage and not carrying razors onto the airplane.
"This had better be worth it," I muttered to myself. "Because this is torture."

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Thoughts from an Airport

I realized that I haven't written in months. I could give you excuses (and at some point I probably will) but for now I will give you advice on how NOT to annoy every person in this God-forsaken place.
Rule 1) Please don't be one of those people who decides that today is the day you are going to wear your favorite (seventeen) necklace(s) with an arm full of bangles and the rings that you could not live without. And then you forget to take it off and it takes like 1/2 an hour and eveyone wants to strangle you.
Rule 2) When your boarding a plane and the person is taking there time, lounging in the aisle (usually because they're too cheap to spend the $15 required to check a bag) and they decide they should try and shove it in this extremley small area above the seats. When this happens, the person is usually in approximatley the 3rd row.
Rule 3) I'm not just going to gate on the passengers. This ones for the boarding-pass-giver-outers (it's totally a real word;look it up). So let's say I'm Gabe and I am traveling with my bestie Joe. Joe an I have the decensey(sp) to check our bags. So we are at the counter getting our boarding passes and checking our bags TOGETHER and the weight limit is 15 pounds (it's a small plane) and Joe puts his bag on the scale and it's 12 pounds and he's all happy. Then I put mine on the scale and it is 16 pounds. The lady at the counter knows that we are traveling together. She knows that this weight is all going to the same plane, but she still forces me to make me take out 1 pound from my bag and put it in Joe's.

Those are just a few of the things that make me hate airports. What do you hate about airports (because I know I left some stuff out). I really am sorry I've been MIA. It's your turn Jess.