Monday, December 31, 2012

'Fever Crumb'

Hey, Libbie, stop trying to revive this blog all on your own, 'kay? Even though I have no idea what to do with this wide expanse of internet before me, I still want my fair share! (How much is my fair share?)

Regardless, I named my post after this lovely book.

Steampunky goodness. Have you ever tried it? It's good for your health, I swear.

Now, since I technically don't know what I'm doing and I've already reviewed this book elsewhere I suppose this is the end.

We need to figure out what we're doing with this blog on Wednesday, Libbie.

Les Misérables

First off, getting the accent above the 'e' took me forever to do. I don't know why the space behind her head is glowing . . . I love it when that happens! It happens to me all of the time.
This post is coming to you in three parts.
PART 1 The Film (2012) Spoiler Free
I saw the film and it was amazing! Disclaimer: Most people are saying that if you don't like musicals they don't know if you'll like the film, but I am telling you right now, if you don't like musicals, you will hate this. If you did not know, the story is 99% singing and the spoken word is a) part of a song or b) connecting two songs. I have seen the play (on TV), but I saw it when I was about 5 and at that point, everything was going way over my head. On to the film. The singing was amazing. I love the fact that it was not prerecorded, but in fact they sang on set. It added a lot of emotion and reality to the film. Hats off to Anne Hathaway for I Dreamed a Dream (amaz-sauce!). Russel Crowe was very meh and they needed a stronger Javert. Other than that, the acting was fantastic and the cinematography was beautiful. The film along with its actors definitely deserve awards for this.
PART 2 The Book
I have no idea if you have seen the book, but it is huge. It's like the (better plotted, thought out, intelligent, awesome, wonderful, thank the lord its lacking Kristen Stewart) version of Twilight. I haven't actually read it (don't have that much free time).
PART 3 The Reviews
For the most part it has gotten good reviews by journalists and YouTubers alike. Of course there are haters (don't be hatin'!), but I just have a problem with the people getting the facts wrong. People say that this took place during the French Revolution. NO! YOU ARE WRONG! The French Revolution that you think about when you think of the French Revolution, the one with the guillotine and Marie Antoinette, took place during 1790s.This story goes from about 1815-1832, so unless Victor Hugo was really bad at current and historical events (in his own country), this book does not take place during the French Revolution. The part most are saying is the French Revolution is in fact something entirely different called the June Rebellion.
PART 0 Other Stuff I wanna say
Every song is amazing and I liked it so much that I am about to see it a second time (not at 6:30 in the morning). SEE IT! I broke the "no caps on the Internet" rule so many times . . .
other PART 0
My favorite songs from this epicness some might call a film include:
These are in no particular order except the first song listed. I love it (I don't prefer one part where they sing it over another. It's way to amazing for that)
Do You Hear the People Sing?
Castle on a Cloud
I Dreamed a Dream
Look Down
One Day More
Empty Chairs at Empty Tables
Stars (not the Russel Crowe version-just YouTube someone else singing it-I know you know how)
Master of the House
At the End of the Day
and every other song (no really, I don't know if I've said it but they are all amazing)
other other PART 0
and a picture! (again)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Great Expectations

We haven't posted in a while, but I swear, we are still alive.
So if you think that this is about the book by Charles Dickens, you are wrong. Prepare for story time with Libbie.
To understand this story, you must first know that one of my favorite books is The Great Gatsby (by F. Scott Fitzgerald) so when I heard they were making a movie of it, with the director being the same man who directed Moulin Rouge, I was extremely excited. I saw a trailer for it sometime over the summer and I remember it said that it was coming out on Christmas. I hadn't heard any different news on it until I was at the theater on Wednesday (seeing Les Mis-and it was amazing) and they had a trailer for it saying it was coming to theaters May 10, 2013. This made me cry a little inside. It also made me think of how your show is supposed to start on time. How your supposed to show up to work/class on time. So the fact that they didn't show up on time was disappointing. The only way to be forgiven for such an atrocity is if the movie is the most  amazing thing since (insert favorite thing here). And if you claim to be a Grammar Nazi, see the link. It's good stuff.
BTDubz (this means by the way to all of you less-educated folk), I think that whenever we post something that is not part of a story, we title the post (FITTINGLY) with the name of a book or movie.
Click here for the Grammar Nazi video. If I haven't coerced you to watch it yet, it also has Stephen Fry . . . He's a comedian. And he's an old English guy. Gotta luv it (sorry, southern Libbie was seeping through).
And in case your really bored . . . memes! I recomend that you look up axe murderer memes. They are hilarious. And a random meme I just found (I love this movie).
        meme just found                                                                           example of axe murder meme


And just incase you were wondering, this is exactly how I talk IRL. Ask Jessica. (I mean all of the weird texting lingo). And this post seems to have really gotten away from the original intent.