Thursday, January 10, 2013

Macavity: The Mystery Cat

Hey, Libbie, I found a real kitty criminal in literature for you! See? (I am a master at using the hyperlink function in blogger!)

Anyway, I think it needs to be said. This blog is officially all stuff and no story. Do I particularly care?

...Not really.

So instead, I give you all a picture of an incredibly photo-shopped cat.

Today I taught half the lunch table what an OC was. I was kind of surprised they didn't know what an OC/self-insert was, but hey, every day people learn something new! This kitty staring into your soul could be someones OC for something like Warriors or something. You never know. (It would probably explain why his eye is photoshopped such an unrealistically pungent purple.)

Anyway, OC stands for original character. They're typically created by fans of a show, movie, comic, or series of novels, and are typically used for either writing (usually horrible) fanfiction or for role playing. For example, after explaining it to my friends, one of them said she'd create an OC as a test, and here's what she said (give or take an um, like, or other word I've forgotten.)

"An OC could be Fale, who lives in District Two and marries Gale."

And that's honestly all there is to it. Now, just because they have bad reputations as being not-very-well-thought-out characters doesn't mean they aren't fun.

In fact, their ridiculousness is part of their charm.

Since I have nothing else interesting to say...I end here.

Auf Wiedersehen!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

My Cat is a Drug Lord

So it turns out that we are supposed to write four pages for English. But it is due in about 12 hours and I don't think I could be more creatively challenged if I tried. So I figured "Why not write something that a bunch of people will not read!" (or at least not grade me for). I smell really bad right now. I just saw the premiere of Downton Abbey (season 3). I think that the last 2 minutes of Les Miserables were not only extremely important, but also amazing. I miss talking to my friend Matt. I miss seeing my friend Matt. I miss my friend Matt. I wish that I didn't hate to choose money over passion. I wish I wasn't greedy.I wish I could read better. I wish I wasn't sociopathic at times. I wish I wasn't fat. I wish I had better grades. I wish I cared enough to change them. I wish other people didn't trust me . I wish I didn't kill people's trust in me. I wish I didn't have to be a proper lady all of the time. I wish I had a higher self-esteem. I wish I could notice things. I wish people didn't notice things about me. I wish that my biggest problem was about what I should do next weekend. I wish that a guy liked me. I wish a lot of things. It may make me seem shallow, but whatevsies.
And on a lighter note . . .
We have to write poetry for English. Our teacher told us that someone wrote a poem entitled "My Cat is a Drug Lord". That must have been a fun read. An I have solved the mystery that has been baffling man-kind for centuries.
I found rhymes for orange.
No one ever said it had to be one word. You could say door hinge or floor binge (I don't know what you eat). I love it when people say words exactly how they're spelled. It makes me laugh.
I'm in debate, and I hate to brag, but I'm rather good at (and I have the trophies to prove so). But until yesterday I had never won against two people from our school, so when we (my partner and I) found out we would be going against them, we spent an hour using multiple people to help devise a strategy to beat them. In our plan, we were going to mess up a bunch of stuff and they would only say that we messed up and they would never argue any of the points. We were in cross-examination after my first speech and the guy was asking me questions and he was trying to make me admit that it was too late in the season to be making mistakes. And at some point I said "We're not allowed to make mistakes? I messed up on where to put things. It's not like I accidentally killed someone.". After I said that, everyone in the room started cracking up, including the judge, one of our coaches, and our team captain (I don't know why the latter two were watching our round). It made my day.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

'The Hobbit'

Libbie told me at some point today (my memory sucks) to write a post, so here's me writing a post!

I've decided to write about not 'The Hobbit', since I'm fairly certain you all have already formed your own opinions about it and no longer care what Libbie nor I thought about it, but about the book 'A Web of Air' by Philip Reeves, which I am currently smack dab in the middle of.

BTW, Libbie, you should start reading more steampunk, or large portions of what I say will start to not make sense.

It's the sequel to the book I mentioned in my 'hey look Jess is alive!' post. The main character is still a logical, more-or-less emotionless genius, and she's decided she wants to discover the secret to flight. Oh yes, awesomeness happens. She meets a crazy guy who talks to birds, she meets another guy who's so fat he can't see his toes (yet somehow he moves about), and she works in a theater troupe that does stuff like 'Niall Strong-Arm; or The Conquest of the Moon'. Maybe y'all don't find that funny, but in context it made me giggle a little more than I thought appropriate.

Then again, everyone's sense of humor is different. Maybe that offends someone. It certainly doesn't offend me.

So, in conclusion, read Philip Reeve's Fever Crumb series, and be amazed.

Also, congratulations for surviving the fiscal cliff!