Thursday, January 10, 2013

Macavity: The Mystery Cat

Hey, Libbie, I found a real kitty criminal in literature for you! See? (I am a master at using the hyperlink function in blogger!)

Anyway, I think it needs to be said. This blog is officially all stuff and no story. Do I particularly care?

...Not really.

So instead, I give you all a picture of an incredibly photo-shopped cat.

Today I taught half the lunch table what an OC was. I was kind of surprised they didn't know what an OC/self-insert was, but hey, every day people learn something new! This kitty staring into your soul could be someones OC for something like Warriors or something. You never know. (It would probably explain why his eye is photoshopped such an unrealistically pungent purple.)

Anyway, OC stands for original character. They're typically created by fans of a show, movie, comic, or series of novels, and are typically used for either writing (usually horrible) fanfiction or for role playing. For example, after explaining it to my friends, one of them said she'd create an OC as a test, and here's what she said (give or take an um, like, or other word I've forgotten.)

"An OC could be Fale, who lives in District Two and marries Gale."

And that's honestly all there is to it. Now, just because they have bad reputations as being not-very-well-thought-out characters doesn't mean they aren't fun.

In fact, their ridiculousness is part of their charm.

Since I have nothing else interesting to say...I end here.

Auf Wiedersehen!


  1. Fale and Gale. xD
    All stuff and no story? Well, my blog is all books and no dolls or things that matter. (Well, things that matter to me... But not important things).

  2. I thought that OC meant Orange County or Obsessive Compulsive or Ozzing Cheese

  3. And in other news . . . I started reading that "poem" and decided that it was awful. And to think that I thought T. S. Elliot was a good writer. The shame
