Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The State of the Union

I just finished watching the State of the Union address given by the United States President, Barack Obama and then the Republican Response given by Florida State Senator, Marco Rubio.

*I would like to add as a quick note that this is going to be very full of American politics, so if you are from a different country or are trying to find out more about American politics by way of the internet (. . . why? . . .), good luck! The voices from the back of the room are screaming "Click away while you still can!", but you're a brave soul. Read the rest at your own risk. You have now been warned . . .

To first understand the address, you must know what it is. The State of the Union (SOTU) address is a speech that the president gives concerning how the nation is doing now and what he hopes to do to improve it. It is given shortly after the president is inaugurated (sworn into office), which is January 20. Now to get onto the specifics, my favorite statistic from the night was that John Boehner (pronounced bay-ner), the Speaker of the House (the person in charge of the largest of our two legislative bodies, the House of Representatives), stood up three times in the entire one hour speech while others were standing every three minutes. After Obama got reelected, Boehner swore that he would not talk, make deals with, or compromise with the president. The three times Boehner stood up were when president Obama entered the room, left the room, and talked about Al Queda. I may not always agree with Obama's politics but that man can give a speech. The major topics he focused on were the economy, education, and gun control. Marco Rubio gave the Republican Response that followed the SOTU because Rubio, a republican, was countering the things that Obama, a democrat, had said in Obama's speech while still enforcing the republican ideals (i.e. that republicans are not always in favor of the upper class). At the end of the day, it was a very fun night of politics (for me).

If you want to see the speeches cuz you've got time, I strongly recommend it. Please watch the speeches (below) and give your imput.

State of the Union address

Marco Rubio's Republican Response

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

German: Collins School Dictionary

Guess who was studying their German!

Anyway, Libbie has more or less called me out and told me to post, so here I go, answering the same questions as her since she told me to and if I don't I'm gonna get the Death Stare at lunch tomorrow.

Q:What was the last book you read?
A: Erm, I think my math textbook. Which is bloody useless. Half of the conjectures are blanked out, because I have to 'discover them'. Pah!

Q:Does a horse go to heaven?
A: Horsie Heaven, obviously.

Q:Do you like roller coasters?
A: NO.

Q:Day or night?
A: Night. Though right now it's early evening.

Q:What do you hear right now?
A: I'm listening to Air1 right now through my ear buds, so I hear nothing but 'All This Time' by Britt Nicole.

Q:What would you name your son or daughter if you had one?
A: Son- Caden, Matthew, or Mark. 
Daughter- Cadence or Victoria.

Q:The last thing you ate was . . .
A: Oyster crackers.

Q:Do you sing in the shower?
A: No, there are people still sleeping when I shower, so I can't really make too much noise.

Q:Three things others have described you as:
A: 1) Smart
2) Nice
3) Annoying (though that would be my sister saying it, more than likely)

Q:What is the last movie you watched?
A: The Odd Life of Timothy Green. It was just okay. Too many loose ends for my taste, but it was cute.

Q:When is the last time you drank?
A: I had a glass of water with my oyster crackers.

Q:How many aunts and uncles do you have?
A: Not counting great-aunts and those people that I'm not sure how they relate to me but I call them aunt or uncle anyway, 3 aunts and 3 uncles.

Q:Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
A: My nook is technically the nearest book to me, but that's off so here's the nearest real book.
"...warpe face. The set snarl, the dark-furred leer, as if even in its..."-Railsea, China Mieville.

Q:What is the last film you saw in the theater?
A: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

Q:What was the last thing you bought?
A: I think it was a hot chocolate at Starbucks. I can't remember what size.

Q:What is bed time?
A: The time at which one goes to bed. I don't know if I have one...I go to bed when I feel tired.

Sometimes doing random crazy stuff like this is way more entertaining than it should be.

Monday, February 4, 2013


Circles are confusing.
I don't know why they're special, but they are.
Thought you ought to know.

Since I am going through a dreadfully painful session of writer's block, I thought I would answer the questions that everyone is dying to know the answer to!

Q:What was the last book you read?
A:Pages 265-291 of my Government textbook.

Q:Does a horse go to heaven?
A:I would like to think that if it was a good horse than yes, yes it did.

Q:Do you like roller coasters?
A:I think, but I cannot come to a firm conclusion.

Q:Day or night?

Q:What do you hear right now?
A:Besides my fingers clicking; the hum of my computer, my fan, the pluming in my house, and every fiber in my being dying of boredom and tiredness.

Q:What would you name your son or daughter if you had one?
A:Son-James, Matthew, David, William, Callum, Jack, Holden, Caledon
Daughter-Jane, Annabell Lee, Ophelia, Scarlett, Katherina

Q:The last thing you ate was . . .
A:Chocolate pudding

Q:Do you sing in the shower?
A:It is better than an opera

Q:Three things others have described you as:
A: 1)Arrogant and conceded, but fully aware of it
     3)better than everyone! LOLs (I just couldn't think of a third thing)

Q:What is the last movie you watched?
A:My Fair Lady. I stayed up until 1 in the morning watching it on TCM. It was well worth it, my friends. Watch it and redeem yourself.

Q:When is the last time you drank?
A:I just had a glass of water, but I have a feeling that's not what you meant . . .

Q:How many aunts and uncles do you have?
A: Aunts-5 Uncles-9

Q:Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
A: "self. So I grabbed the shot glass and Tina says, 'Aw, f*ck him'"-Will Grayson, Will Grayson

Q:What is the last  film you saw in the theater?
A:Les Miserables

Q:What was the last thing you bought?
A:Two shirts and a dress from H&M

Q:What is bed time?
A:It is an arbitrary idea conjured up by some lunatic for the proper time to go to sleep but the only fixed time is for the youths. Everyone else's bed time is whenever they see fit. But this seems like a good ending point cuz im sleepy!

I invite everyone to answer these questions so that I can learn more about you. Fitting to the name of the post, I now declare thee the Clueless Questions! Jessica, don't think that there is any way you can get out of doing this.

Pick-up Line of the Day:
Good thing I'm not wearing my contacts today.

Friday, February 1, 2013