Monday, July 30, 2012

Part 10

A/N- Yes, I am a lazy bum when it comes to writing. Now shush and read the short and late part 10.

The cabbie was true to his word. My stomach could vouch for that, as it was begging to give me back the lousy meal I had eaten on the plane. He had lost the creeper back a few streets, and I was shocked that  my brother looked unfazed. In fact, he was humming tunelessly.
"Would you stop that humming," I snapped.
"Well some one's had a violent mood swing," James muttered under his breath. Thankfully he shut up.
The cabbie pulled up to a rather crisp townhouse. "Here ya go," he said. I thanked him and paid him a little extra to boot. When we got out, I was able to get a better look at the building in front of us.
It looked like a residential building, but a placard next to the door announced it as the office of Dr. Joseph Watson, professional psychiatrist.
"We're going to see a guy who deals with crazy people?" James said, a slight bit of surprise in his tone.
"That's one way to put it," I replied. Breathing deep, I hit the buzzer and heard steps from within the townhouse.
A short lady with a strict look on her face answered the door. When she saw us, though, she nodded.
"Come; the doctor is expecting you."

Monday, July 9, 2012

Excuses and Audrey Hepburn

So, you might be wondering "Hey! Why hasn't Libbie posted in forever?". Well as it happens, you, dear reader are not the only person with a life. Essay, tests, and finals pilled up during the school year and I have been traveling since school let out. Excuses, ya gotta love 'em.
Right now I'm at the library because my grandmother has a meeting here. They need to plan a fund raiser or something . . .
Speaking of libraries, does anyone know a good book to read? I haven't really gotten lost in a book for ages and I have been having free time with grammy dearest where there is no WiFi. I NEED A BOOK!

If Jessica can post a random picture of a banana, I can post a random picture of Audrey Hepburn. Love this chica. Hate bananas.

Part 9

If the hour of waiting felt like six hours, the eight hour flight felt like days. And the crying baby didn't help. We ran off the plane and out of the airport. Free at last! I thought as the smog filled air filled my lungs.
"Hey Red, whose the guy with the ciggy?" James said nodding at the man in all black leaning on a support beam. James called me 'Red' because he was too lazy to say Scarlett and he claims "Well they mean the same thing!” I think that defiantly strengthens my case that he is a lazy bum. The man shot us a sharp glance, and I realized he had been following us for some time. He was standing in the parking lot where we hotwired the car. He had been on the airplane only a few rows behind us.
"I don't know, but he has been following us since the small town in Illinois."
"Great. We have our own personal stalker from the Russian mob."
"Well I don't think now is the best time for a confrontation."
With this we ran. We were soon followed by stalker and three of his closest friends. When they got closer, we hailed a cab and told the cabbie to "Go!".
"And where are we goin' today mister and missus?" the cabbie asked us with the men in black on our tail.
Wait. I have no idea where to go.
"Do you, by chance, know where a Doctor Joseph Watson lives?" James asked.
Idiot. How on Earth would he know where this man lives?
"Yeah, yeah. I think I know who ya mean," the man said with a little of a chuckle hidden under is heavy cockney accent.
Okay, maybe I shouldn't have thought so quickly. James smiled at me as if he knew what i was thinking the entire time. Bum-face.
"And on the way, lose this cab behind us," I said looking back to see the cab who the cab behind us belonged to.
"O' course missus."

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy 4th! On the Fifth...

Happy Independance Day, everyone! I'm fashionably late, obviously xD

I don't have much to chat about in the region of 'stuff'. Give me a moment.

Ah, alright, here we go.

Who all likes bananas? They're yellow and smell good, and have cool natural packaging. Monkeys like eating them too!