Monday, July 9, 2012

Excuses and Audrey Hepburn

So, you might be wondering "Hey! Why hasn't Libbie posted in forever?". Well as it happens, you, dear reader are not the only person with a life. Essay, tests, and finals pilled up during the school year and I have been traveling since school let out. Excuses, ya gotta love 'em.
Right now I'm at the library because my grandmother has a meeting here. They need to plan a fund raiser or something . . .
Speaking of libraries, does anyone know a good book to read? I haven't really gotten lost in a book for ages and I have been having free time with grammy dearest where there is no WiFi. I NEED A BOOK!

If Jessica can post a random picture of a banana, I can post a random picture of Audrey Hepburn. Love this chica. Hate bananas.

1 comment:

  1. You hate bananas?? *le gosp*

    For reading, I suggest reading Nancy Drew books. They take a whole 30 minutes to read, but they're fun and mysterious! Kind of...
