Sunday, July 28, 2013

I Think I Might be Part-Hermit

While Libbie's apparently been away at her month-long camp, I've been achieving great things, like watching old(ish) movies and reading a bunch of books. I'm certainly 'living the life' (of a hermit). Regardless, I also got the chance to start Doctor Who, and I have a feeling a certain someone who also posts on this blog will be pleased to hear that. (Three seasons in four days, Libbie. I'm going mad.)

Considering that we haven't yet heard back from Libbie, let's all assume she's being held captive by aliens that live in MI. (I can't remember what state that is, for shame.) So, instead, let's chat about summer homework.

Summer homework is a treacherously terrible thing that I've recently been introduced to. I've actually not got much, compared to a few of my friends. (One of them is taking a two-year course in high school, so she's got a number of full papers due first day of school.) Still, doing three different maps of Europe's been driving me a little batty, and I now know more about the society in the time between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance than I ever really cared to know.

Of course, I'm not suffering alone. There's a good forty or so other kids being driven up numerous walls by European maps and the Holy Roman Empire in my school, too. Misery does love its company.

Just like Libbie, my life this summer's been relatively boring as well. So, I see your adorable kitten and raise you a baby hedgehog.

1 comment:

  1. MI- Minnesota?

    I am very very very impressed with your three seasons in four days. I think I managed three season in four months (of course, my DW came individual disk by individual disk from Netflix so it took awhile).
