Sunday, July 14, 2013

An Ode to Pig Farmers

I have something very important to post about today. It's so important, I illustrated it myself.

Today, I would like to bring to your attention a group of people who are often not thought about, yet are critical to the general well-being of the universe: pig farmers.

Why yes, I am an artist.
Pigs are incredibly dirty, stinky, nasty creatures. They look adorable when they're clean, sure, but pigs are never clean.

Of course, pigs also make fabulously delicious food, in forms such as ham, bacon, and the like.

Which means that, in order to get the yummy food, those pig farmers have to put up with those smelly, dirty pigs. I've learned this after having to babysit pigs myself.

Thank you for what you do, pig farmers. Thank you for putting up with pigs so the rest of us don't have to. You're awesome.