Saturday, March 10, 2012

I got tagged (Libbie edition)

1. Post these rules.
2. Post a picture of yourself and 11 random things.
3. Answer the questions for you in the original post.
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog and tell them you've tagged them.

Questions I Answered:

1. If there is one book/movie/TV show character that isn't the bad guy you could kill off, who would it be?
2. Who is the best singer you have ever heard live?
3. Fedora or party hat?
4. Do you believe that muffins are the inherit evil of dessert foods?
5. What's your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
6. What is your favorite number, and why?
7. Who is the best villian/villianess character ever created?
8. What is the stupidest question you've ever been asked? (This question does not count.)
9. Do you believe there is such a thing as a dumb question (Maybe this one any number 8 should be switched...)
10. What's the most annoying grammatical error you hear when people speak?
11. What's your favorite accent?
Hey it's Libbie! Which one is she . . .


I would not kill off any character, because that would change the whole story plot. Also, I am not a sociopath.


Rascal Flatts


Really? Could you make this any simpler?


No! Cupcakes are just muffin's evil dopplegangers.


Read, sleep, and do anything more dramaticly. Everything isbetter on a rainy day.


Seven! Because it is 7


Professor Moriarty


Hey Libbie, what's your name?


I donno. That question is way to deep.


When people mix up was and were, and different tenses (past, prestent, future).


Any accent from the British Isles or France. Sexy . . .

Questions You Should Answer:

1. What is the most annoying or worst slogan?
2. Are you a sociopath? (every 1 in 25 people are) See the picture below for help
3. What is your favorite color and why?
4. What is your favorite song with no words?
5. If you could meet any book/tv show/movie character, who would it be?
6. What are you doing right now? (other than answering these questions) If this is all you are doing, what did you do right before atempting these questions.
7. What is your favorite word?
8. What is your favorite city? (you don't have to have been there, and it can be fictional)
9. This might be a little early or you might have already had to anwer this question, but what would you name your kids?
10. Who is the hottest person who is dead? This question is NOT litteral.
11. What is your favorite book written before 1913?

Who Should Answer the Questions Next?
Jessica, my co-dictator
Jen, 'cause she sounds AWESOME
Abbey, just 'cause
and anyone else who is reading this
my fav Russian, yes you
anyone named Katharina


  1. Yay! I've been tagged again XD This could go on forever...

    AHHH! MORIARTY! He is the best villain ever... Other than Darth Vader and Kahn and the Borg...

    "Im not a psychopath Anderson... I'm a high functioning sociopath... Do your research."

    I had to add that because you mentioned sociopaths numerous times on this post and you posted a picture of Moriarty... Can I deduce that you are a fan of Sherlock Holmes? Or at least mildly know who he is 'cause you posted his arch enemy on your post... ANYWHO I am going to stop talking now and get some Nutela fudge.

  2. I love the show Sherlock (along with ever other thing involving Sherlock Holmes-who doesn't?)

  3. Hee hee I love the show Sherlock as well! And all things Sherlock... Although right now I'm taking a break from reading the short stories/novels. Reading then practically non-stop since last fall and all of a sudden stopping is really strange...

  4. Why did you start reading all of the Sherlock Holmes stuff?

  5. I don't know... Last summer/fall I was reading a whole bunch of classics and somehow I got interested in Sherlock Holmes (even though I didn't know a thing about him) and I picked up one of the short story collections from the library and have been reading/re-reading all the stories ever since.
