Friday, March 30, 2012

Part 4

Not exactly knowing what to do next, I felt as though I looked defeated. Hopeless. Angelica took great pleasure in this. I could see it in her eyes. The way they gleamed as she looked at the box I was slowly letting go of. But my friends always did say that I was an excellent actress. Just as I was about to give her the box, I held it to my chest with all of the force I could exsert, turned around, and broke into a run. James seem confused by this at first, but be soon caught on. I think. We were both running through the forrest, avoiding the ever present twigs and branches. I looked back to see that my sister, even though she was dead, was catching up to us. I knew what she wanted was in my hands. I tried to remember her. She had run away from the orphanage. Wait, no she died of Lupus. I remember her getting buried, right? God, I couldn't even remember my own sister. I stopped at a tree to catch my breath. From the look on James's face, I could tell he couldn't remember Angelica either. The memories with her seemed familiar, but at the same time, they seemed fake. Like watching a movie of someone else's life.
"Come on! We have to keep running!" James said while panting. Then the dots fit together.
"Who are you?"I asked Angelica slowly backing from the tree. James putting together the dots aswel, also backed away.
"Why it's me, dear sister,"Angelica said coming towards us.
"No your not. We don't even know who you are,"James said with disgust to the young creature.
"Good heavens! It took you two long enough."

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