Sunday, March 11, 2012

...More 'Stuff' xD (I got tagged)


1. Post these rules.
2. Post a picture of yourself and 11 random things.
3. Answer the questions for you in the original post.

4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog and tell them you've tagged them.
I think I've explained this question before.
1. What is the most annoying or worst slogan? 'Just do it.' Do WHAT?!
2. Are you a sociopath? No. Not quite.
3. What is your favorite color and why? Blue. Technically, we live in the big wide BLUE earth.
4. What is your favorite song with no words? Without words? Probably the Harry Potter theme song...
5. If you could meet any book/tv show/movie character, who would it be? Deryn Sharp. Most definately Deryn Sharp from Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld.
6. What are you doing right now? (other than answering these questions) If this is all you are doing, what did you do right before atempting these questions. Right now I'm watching TV.
7. What is your favorite word? Digress. Or austere.
8. What is your favorite city? (you don't have to have been there, and it can be fictional) Psh, easy. The Shire!
9. This might be a little early or you might have already had to anwer this question, but what would you name your kids? Evangeline and Aleksander.
10. Who is the hottest person who is dead? This question is NOT litteral. Dead person? Um....Hmm...Probably
<---That's Zane. He's dead now. Stupid nano pills.
11. What is your favorite book written before 1913? 'The Time Machine' by HG Wells.

And I'm gonna be a naughty lil girl and not tag anyone, ending this pshychotic rampage xD


  1. YAY! Another blue lover!
    I saw the movie based on "The Time Machine." It was.... interesting. I'll have to see if I can read the book sometime.

  2. xD I laughed at the Zane part.
