Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Updates and Apologies

So if you can't tell by the name of this post, this post is mostly about updates and apologies. This post will come to you in 4 parts.

Part 1:Updates
So, after some intense detective work (meaning about .01 seconds on google), we found out that there are about a bazillion blogs called Stories and Stuff sooo . . . we's gonna gets an new blog name! If you have any suggestions, please let us know in the comments.
Since I am one of the most self-centered person on the webbies (Libbie slang for Internet), I have notices that we have more people reading us in Russia than anywhere else. I think I'm going to name my favs Russian, Ruffled.
We realize that we haven't posted any bits for the story lately, that will soon be fixed by Jessica . . .
Yes, yes I do realize that it is 12:00 at night.

Part 2:Apologies
I am so very sorry for the unplanned hiatus, I swear we are not dead. Unless Jessica is a zombie. That would explain so much . . .
If you couldn't tell, I am an extremely sarcastic person and I say some sketchy stuff, but it is not meant to be offending to anyone.
I realize your jealousy, and am sorry that you can never reach the awesomeness of me. You know what they say, not my fault . . .

Part 3:Rules
So Jessica, I hope you are reading this because there are new rules being instated!
Rule 1)We, as a team, have to post at least 4 posts a week from Monday-Sunday.
Rule 2)Out of the (at least) 4 posts a week, 2 of them (one from me, one from you) must be towards the story.
Rule 3)If any rules are broken, you must have a punishment decided by someone.
The reason that I am posting this on the blog and not just sending this straight to you (Jessica) is so everyone knows what the new expectations are.

Part 4:Stuff
Sorry that this was kinda ramble-y and boring I promise that there will be a more interesting next time.
Jessica, the rules are enforced as of NOW.


  1. You were right, writing at midnight makes you sound funny xD
    And I'm getting there on my piece! Its....One percent done! (That one percent being me thinking 'I'll do it later') Unless you want to do said piece. And are rules starting now or Monday? As in, we don't need to jam in four parts tomorrow and Friday?

    1. No you sill bunny! It starts on Monday. You can write the piece still. Maybe a new bit will get me out of this darn writers block! Hope you like the new renovation. Don't worry, it's not done yet . . .

  2. I HAVE IT! The perfect name for your blog.... Get ready....

    Stuff and Stories.

    Oh yeah, I'm a genius!
