Friday, March 9, 2012

Just a quick update for you . . . um . . . people . . . We have been viewed by a Russian! Here is a letter to my favorite Russian:

Dear Russian,
I love you. You make me wanna sing to my blueberries. You stole my heart like you stole that diamond necklace in Paris. Cough, cough. (I swear that was NOT me. So yes. I will blame the Russian.) You make me wanna put on a top hat and dance. I love you almost as much as love purple blankets. And just in case you forgot, I love you.
I love you,

Move right along now. If you cannot tell, this post falls under the category of  stuff as in Stories and Stuff. Quick question that has to do with the story Jess and I are working on. Do you think that the story should stay normal (meaning without magic, no paranormal activity-not the movie, elves, magic squirrels, etc., etc.) or go on the road to paranormal (with all of the stuff mention in the previous parenthesis)? Please leave a comment stating which way you personally think the story should go. I will take your comments into consideration, but remember this is a dictatorship, not a democracy.


  1. Oh my gosh, Libbie, that was hilarious xD xD The Russian must feel loved. Hehehe...

    I'm personally more of a paranormal person, but I'm good with whatever you two decide.

  2. If this is a dictatorship, are we co-dictators? Or am I like the Saruman to your Sauron deal? (I promise not to raise up a breed of Orcs against you.)

    I say we go paranormal. It would be way more fun!

  3. Sure it can be a co-dictatorship, but I rule 87% and you get 12.8%. The people get 0.2%. You might be asking "Hey Libbie, why do you get, like, a bazillion* move percent than me?". To which I reply "Because I am, like, a bazillion to the tenth times AWESOMER than everyone! You should feel greatful you get a bazillion* percent!". Then I would walk away, nose to the sky. You would look at me and feel sad, but the reason i had my nose up was not because I was egocentric (don't get me wrong, I completely am)but rather because I smelled some brownies and felt bad about how mean (AWESOME) I was and decided to buy you a brownie. Then I would give you this browie and you would hug me and say : "Libbie you are so AWESOME! I think I will give you 4.7 million dollars!". The reason I am telling you this is to save us both some money, but if ou want to give me a few mill, I am totally up for it.
    *this is not a made up word
